13 Comforting Scents That Revive Your Mind and Body

13 Comforting Scents That Revive Your Mind and Body

by | May 5, 2022 | Stress Less

Using Essential Oils To Relax

Did you know that essential oils can help you unwind and relax? Believe it or not, your sense of smell has powerful effects on your body. Whether you are just getting started with aromatherapy or are a longtime believer, here are 13 calming scents that revive your body and mind. 

13 Most Comforting Scents

Here is a list of the most comforting aromatherapy scents. Whether you apply essential oils topically, add them to your home diffuser, or simply smell them straight from the bottle, essential oils have been known to help revive your mind, body, and spirit.

Lemon Essential Oil

Citrus essential oils are known for increasing energy while helping you calm down after a long day. Its uplifting scent is also refreshing and bright, and can help fight exhaustion and sadness.

Peppermint Essential Oil

A small study concluded that peppermint essential oil is effective for preventing fatigue. This refreshing scent will also invigorate you, support headache pain, and improve mental function.

Cinnamon Essential Oil

It’s not just a staple for winter holiday fragrances! We think the warm scent of cinnamon should be used all year long because of its amazing properties. This essential oil is known for helping you to destress, beat fatigue and faintness. Pro tip: vanilla blends well with cinnamon. 

How Essential Oils Can Help You Relax Naturally>>

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

Basil isn’t just good for pesto! The smell of sweet basil can help you calm your nerves. Make sure to get sweet basil and not regular basil if you want to enjoy the calming benefits. Pair sweet basil with lemon for a relaxing and pleasant combination. 

Lavender Essential Oil

Known to help put your mind at ease, lavender essential oil can help you feel relaxed when you’re wired or boost your spirits when you’re exhausted.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Compared to the regular sage, clary sage is sweeter and softer. It helps to alleviate stress by creating a sense of well-being.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

You might not be familiar with the name ylang ylang, but you probably know its scent. Ylang ylang is a yellow, star-shaped flower that grows on the Cananga tree. This plant is commonly used as an ingredient in soaps, candles, perfumes, and lotions. It has been known to help lessen anxiety and lower blood pressure in some people. Its calming effect may also make it beneficial for relaxation and help with headaches.

How Essential Oils Can Help You Feel Better>>

Bergamot Essential Oil

This fragrance is known for enhancing energy and feelings of joy. Try using it in the morning when you want to destress and beat fatigue. It may also help boost feelings of confidence—perfect for when you’re getting ready for the day! 

Jasmine Essential Oil

Commonly used as an antidepressant thanks to its uplifting capabilities, jasmine essential oil is used to calm nerves and promote relaxation. 

Vanilla Essential Oil

Vanilla essential oil is underestimated for its calming properties. Plus, is there a more pleasant and warm scent on Earth than vanilla?

Vetiver Essential Oil

One of the more viscous essential oils, the scent of vetiver will make you feel like you’re laying on a beach on a warm, sunny day. Who doesn’t want that? Vetiver is known to be deeply grounding and balancing. 

Buy Scentral Zone’s Stress Less Diffuser Now>>

Rosemary Essential Oil

Yes, you can cook with rosemary, but rosemary essential oil should definitely be added to your aromatherapy lineup too. It can help reduce nervous tension and give you a fresh, morning pick-me-up.

Sweet Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram is better known as a cooking spice. But marjoram essential oil has calming properties to help reduce feelings of stress. 

We could all use less stress. And with the right essential oils, aromatherapy can be a great way to help you to breathe easy and let go of life’s stressors. Certain aromas have the power to trigger pleasant memories and even make you feel better. 

Scentral Zone’s Stress Less wearable, waterless diffuser is just one way to help you to destress while on-the-go, whether you’re at work, traveling, stuck in traffic, or in any other stressful situation. Simply push open from the bottom, clip it to your shirt collar, and breathe in the healing aromas of cassia, lavender, ylang ylang and vanilla essential oils.